This research project witch discusses and argues opinions on the Draft of the 1960's and the 1970's during the Vietnam war, because I would like to find out more about history and why things are the way they are today also why there were two sides that agreed and disagreed, in order to help my reader understand the basics of war.My Father is a very intelligent man and knows a lot about the history of the war and will add to the knowable of everybody who wants to learn more.

Figure.1. Mike McCauley ( My Father)
Massachusetts 2011 Source McCauley, Mike.
I have interviewed my father Mike McCauley ,he was born in 1945 , McCauley has lived through a lot of history and good times , he has a lot of interesting facts and stories to share .I have asked him his favorite topic to discus and why. His response was "anything to do with the war"( McCauley,2011). He has always taken a huge interest in the war and all the components that went along with it. Secondly I asked my father if he enjoys the 60s and 70s and he responder " Tremendously a lot of good memories".(McCauley, 2011)
These years were hard, the ways of war have changed, there is now a draft for the men 18 year and older to be sent to fight for our country in the Vietnam war .
"On this day in 1977, U.S. President Jimmy Carter grants an unconditional pardon to hundreds of thousands of men who evaded the draft during the Vietnam war" (Background of Selective Service)The draft was reinstated for the Vietnam war,it was suspended after wwII then was reinstated.

Figure.2.Photo of Men reserving there draft letters at the
1968 Democratic party conventions on August 1st 1968, in Chicago, Illinois.
Source: media
The draft was a time in Vietnam when men had to sign up at the local city hall at the age of 18 to put there name in a lotter were the Army would draft men to fight for their countries. I asked my father how long the draft went on and he responded "18 years". He also said men wanted to fight for their countries at this time. I also asked if he was one of the many who were drawn to fight, he was but he was unable to fight considering he stayed back and was not at the grade requirement. Witch made my grandmother very happy. My father took tremendous interest in the war when he was growing up through 1962 to 1974. He was always in context with his friends in Vietnam and always knew what was going on by watching the television at night to see the death list. Every week when My father and his parents had the time to watch TV there would be a long list of names that would scroll down the screen, these were all of the men who were killed in action, these were the moments worth forgetting.

U.S.A 1972. Men receiving there fiscals befor being drafted, Source Media

"ELVIS PRESLEY IN THE ARMY." ::ELVIS PRESENTLY:: OFFICIAL RESEARCH WEBSITE (BETA). Web. 08 May 2011. Google. Web. 08 May 2011. . "History of the Draft." United States Military Information. Web. 16 May 2011 . McCauley, Mike. Personal interview.April 12th 2011 "Images of the Vietnam Era « The Scoop on History-APUSH and More." The Scoop on History-APUSH and More. Web. 16 May 2011. .
All men who were chosen for the draft had to go and get a physical exam to be checked out to see if they qualified to fight, some things that would keep someone back from fighting would be missing there thumb aka there trigger finger, unable to see, failing the eye exam etc. Even the king of rock en' roll him self was picked to go to war (Elvis Presley). In my fathers opinion this was a reason that made young adults and teenagers hate the war/ draft even more. There ideal was going to war and might be killed , but in reality he was just there to perform and make not allow America to say " he is famous so he did not have to go"(McCauley. 2011) as my father says. People looked at Elvis going to was as there hero being killed but in reality he would perform for the troops and keep there heads up and distract them even if its only for a wile.

Figure.4 A symbol of death through the eyes of America.
U.S.A 1972 " I want you for the U.S army. Source "media"
I asked my father to steer at this photo and tell me what he thinks and if he remembers ever seeing this through the tears that the draft was happening. He said yes he remembers seeing this in a telephone pole on his way to school and it was put up by a local man who's son was killed in the military.This photo (see figure2.) represents the danger of the war , saying that if you go you will die. This is a photo of Sam but instead of just being a photo saying "we want you" this is saying its words through the figure of a skull representing death. My father said "This picture scared a lot of people and made a lot of them go ageist the war in fear of there loved one dying".(McCauley.2011). This poster was posted all around Woburn Massachusetts because there were many people who resented the war , especially mothers who's sons were killed in action or mothers that were afraid of there child being sent into the front lines.

Figure. 5If I don't like it I will burn it.
Vietnam Draft March 31st : Source: "media"
Just because you burnt it , dose not mean your not going
People outraged there were rallies, protesters and fights from a large group of people who agreed with peace and love, not war.McCauley was one that was for the draft except for when I asked him this question.
"1. Did the draft have a big impact on the town you lived in"? My fathers face expression changed when I asked this he appeared sad because he was thinking of this time. "yes, a lot of kids in my town went in to serve in the war but unforchinutly 10 of my close friends dident come home"(McCauley, 2011) Even if someone burned there card they were most definitely still being sent to war, a lot of men were afraid and tried to weizel there way out of there duties. Some men would cut off there thumb aka. there trigger finger, eat cotton balls so they looked as if they had a problem, and even flee to Candida.
The Ending
Mike McCauley stated that " these were some of the hardest times , of our lives but they were most definitely the the greatest"(McCauley 2011.) This inspired me and made me want to live every minuet to the fullest. A lot of history was made in the 1960's and 70's and he was happy to be apart of it all. Even though life throws you new surprises you will always have your past and the memories of the good old times(McCauley.2011) His town became a family and supported all men and there families and got through one of the hardest times.
Work Citations.
MTC News Network » Vietnam War." MTC News Network. Web. 04 May 2011.
"YouTube - Vietnam War- Draft Newsreel." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 08 May 2011. .
Title: Good provocative main title, but needs to be followed by a colon and a subtitle
ReplyDeleteHyperlink: Good. But since the original source is, why not link to that site rather than this one?
Intro: The opening quote is good, but it is a stand-alone quote and needs to be fixed.
Thesis: Need to create a better working thesis.
Embedded image: Excellent!
Bibliography: Need to label your bibliography as either Works Cited or References, and then follow the rules of MLA or APA.
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteGreat embedded images, but the captions are incomplete. Remember that the caption for each embedded image must include the SOURCE. (See my examples in the “Research Project - FINAL REQUIREMENTS” on the Blackboard Assignments page.) Each image source must also be included on the bibliography list.
ReplyDeleteYour bibliography must be labeled either Works Cited or References, depending on whether you are doing the paper in MLA or APA. (Your choice.) But it CANNOT be labeled "Citations."
Your father must be listed as a source in your bibliography, and he should be referred to by his LAST name throughout the paper, not as "Mike."
Need to fix stand-alone quotes, such as:
"On this day in 1977, U.S. President Jimmy Carter grants an unconditional pardon to hundreds of thousands of men who evaded the draft during the Vietnam war"
Also, that quote needs an in-text citation with it, so readers know the source.
Right now the paper has 3 sections (other than the intro). For the final version, you need FOUR sections and an intro.